TV 10. Doctor Who - 7.30PM Sunday's - This show has already aired a bit, but if you want to jump on to this series, this is the best season to start in the middle of as all but two episodes of the show are single story, one-shots. This series has been my all time favorite shows since I was four years old, all around this has been a great show 50+ years in the running (well, not really since it was canceled for 16 years before 2005) falling on a few rough patch's as anything does during the sixth (Colin Baker), seventh (Sylvester McCoy) and eleventh Doctor's (Matt Smith, yes, Matt Smith... that series 6 was appallingly bad) run, but it has picked itself up in stride this season with a great new Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and a great new companion - Danny Pink. This is on of the best sci-fi shows of all time and you have to watch it a least once in your life. It is a mix of horror, sci-fi, comedy, adventure and historical fiction and a 88 percent great show. 9. Arrow - ...