Thoughts You can’t just stop and make yourself think, rather it’s more your thoughts that stop you and shake you awake until you can’t go back to sleep because your head is in the middle of a vortex and you can’t predict where it’ll be sput out. We need to give our thoughts space to drive safely, otherwise they’ll come crashing out in an overwhelming labyrinth of congested inferences and suppressed emotions. When was the last time you did something with no purpose but to let your imagination go wild? When was the last time you did something that made you feel alive, refreshed, and never want to stop? We all need that for the sake of our sanity. We are most of us young individuals with most of our lives yet to be figured out, still trying to ‘discover’ ourselves. How can we do that when we don’t give ourselves the space and opportunities to be ‘discovered’? Time to think and meditate on our experiences, goals, and the things that matter to us the most is what will ke...