Random thought of the week #2

Random thought of the week 
"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." ~Winston Churchill

What is truth? For some of us the truth is perceived as a certainty of knowledge in which you base your beliefs. When you believe in something and are fully convinced that it is fact, for example White is a collection of all the colours and two and two make four, then it is truth. Or is it? Each of us has slightly different so called truths in which we all have a solid belief. For some it may be a strong belief in the theory of evolution, or for others the truth is the existence of the supernatural. Some believe that man has been to the moon, and others that it was all a conspiracy. Each of these beliefs are held as certain truth to individuals, but can't there really be only one true truth? And even so, does it really matter if your truth is the actual truth? We each are convinced that what we know to be the truth is the actual truth and that everyone else's truths are falsehoods. But, with millions of varying truths, how can you truly find the real truth?


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