Advice to My Year Nine Self
Although I have no regrets, there is still some advice I wasn't given that I might have found useful. Therefore...
Dear Year 9 Me,
Firstly you should know that your plans to conquer the world did not go according to plan. It is still a work in progress. No, but really here's some advice. It's not an absurd assumption that you just might be heard. Perhaps you have big ambitions for your place in this space, or perhaps your reasons for being here aren't all that clear yet. That's completely fine. Takes advantage of ALL the opportunities presented to you so that you start to know who and why you are really here.
Get involved, join committees. Do not be afraid of trialling things that interest you just a little. You just never know... The window of opportunity does not remain open forever. I'm sure all that drama on Shortland street can wait.
When I reflect on the many things that I learnt from year nine, four in particular stand out.
No. 1: call your mother. She will worry about you everyday and it'll make her feel better if you call.
No. 2: join a committee or team. You should never be stagnant. You should forever be growing and
maturing or you'll fall behind.
No. 3: make friends. Get to know new people. These friends could be with you for life.
No. 4: remember the reason you're here - to master a body of knowledge.
We never seem to congratulate ourselves enough, do we? So let me start by saying that you will accomplish all the things you've always wanted, but we have to realise that it is much easier to want things than to actually achieve them. Be proud of the things you do and don't stop now. This is only the beginning.
-Takunda Muzondiwa 10AST
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